PhD Candidate in Business Analytics at University of Tennessee, Knoxville

I usually pen down my thoughts here drawing heavily from anecdotes and personal experiences.

Hello, I'm Harsh!

A living being, currently alive, on a spinning blue ball rotating around a ball of fire, is part of an unimaginably vast universe. Each moment is a testament to the incredible coincidences that made life possible, offering a unique perspective on existence, its beauty, and its impermanent nature.

For more information about me, visit my website. You can contact me via email at or through this contact form

I don’t have a last name. Depending on the circumstances, you might see me listed as “Harsh Vardhan,” “Harshvardhan Harshvardhan,” or “FNU Harshvardhan.” Learn more about my name.

About this Blog 🖋️

लिखते तो वो लोग हैं, जिनके अंदर कुछ दर्द है, अनुराग है, लगन है, विचार है। जिन्होंने धन और भोग-विलास को जीवन का लक्ष्य बना लिया, वह क्या लिखेंगे? — मुंशी प्रेमचंद, गोदान

“Those who write must have some pain, some love, some passion, some ideas. Those who have made money and pleasure the goals of their life, what will they write?” — Munshi Premchand in Godaan

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